Environment & Community
Environment & Community
Tethra have commissioned the development of what we call the ‘Marine Planning Crew’. This team of 4 individuals will be selected to support the true integration of fisheries and aquaculture with Offshore Renewable Energy. This team works separately to the Tethra portfolio but directly with impacted industries and local communities. Their job is to carry out marine planning exercises with interested stakeholders of fisheries and aquaculture to support the goal of increased biodiversity and productivity of the marine space. Their skills are complementary to this ambition and spread across fisheries, aquaculture development and commercialisation, marine planning, communications and stakeholder engagement as well as GIS and technology. Their skills are required to ensure that the unique and valued knowledge of the local fisheries and aquaculture businesses and operators are captured, maximised and integrated into early-stage planning in order to create opportunities for stakeholders, new businesses in aquaculture and to empower the communities working with the Tethra portfolio.
Tethra’s ethos revolves around improving marine sustainability and, not only seeking to mitigate the impact of ORE development, but to improve the condition of the surrounding marine environments we develop in. We have identified innovative businesses to partner with whose goals align with ours while offering impressive alternate solutions and revenue streams for ORE sites. These partnerships are important to demonstrate that we are good custodians of the environments that we will work within which is of key interest to the Department when granting approval for our proposed developments.
Tethra’s vision and marine sustainability focus underpins the projects currently being undertaken by Tethra in order to set best practices for ORE site development through:
• Integrating impact avoidance and mitigation measures into our initial plans for ORE developments;
• Fostering professional and mutually beneficial partnerships; and
• Supporting the responsible integration of marine activities in the marine environment where we develop to maximise its productivity and increase biodiversity where possible using nature-based solutions
• Lead the way in integration of aquaculture operations with offshore wind